
Confocal imaging system from Crest Optics

The X-Light is a unique system for spinning disk confocal imaging. As the next evolution to the CARV product series, it features unparalleled versatility:

  • Compatible with all major microscopes
  • Utilizes full field of view in sCMOS cameras
  • Movable disk for widefield imaging

The X-Light Confocal Imager

The X‐LIGHT Confocal Imager is a full-spectrum spinning disk confocal imager that attaches to most major models of inverted or upright fluorescence microscope. It is designed to utilize the latest imaging technologies and is ideal for live cell imaging in biological applications.

The X‐LIGHT Confocal Imager allows imaging at the extremes of performance of a current‐generation scientific camera, and it provides for objectives used when imaging with a camera with a smaller detector. It takes advantage of laser launches and light engines. It omits features that previous confocal imagers required for older illumination techniques—and eliminates the cost of those features. When those techniques are required, connection to the associated external devices is easy.

The result is a flexible confocal add‐on for existing microscopes that brings the latest commercialized technologies to microscopy. The X‐LIGHT Confocal Imager is an extraordinary combination of capability and price.


Nipkow Spinning Disk

Disk with Single Hole Pattern 1×1” field of view for large chips of scientific CMOS cameras
Disk with Dual Hole Patterns Flexibility for smaller chips of CCD cameras
40–micron holes, for objectives with N.A. < 1;
70–micron holes, for objectives with N.A. > 1;
Anti‐reflection coating The highest throughput on the market
High rate of rotation Excitation and imaging at speeds of current cameras
10,000 R.P.M. rotation Standard
18,000 R.P.M. rotation Optional
Illumination Subsystems
Excitation mounts for light engines, lasers High‐efficiency coupling
Excitation gimbal mount Easy alignment on custom microscope setup, providing highest S⁄N ratio
Motorized dichroic filter wheel Automation and ease of interactive control
Three‐position wheel Standard
Five‐position wheel Optional
Manual emission wheel Four positions
C-mount threading on excitation and emission ports Eased mounting of motorized filter wheels
Slide in/slide out filter mounts Easy, fast exchange of filters in dichroic wheel, emission wheel

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